In collaboration with SAFRAN Reosc and the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (CNRS-LAM), we are studying the impact of free-form optics and curved sensors in the design of a wide-field imaging system for situational awareness applications in the visible and near-infrared spectrum. In collaboration with Saint Gobain Recherche (SGR), we are also studying the design of free-form optics for automotive and aerospace windshields. In collaboration with CEA-LETI and Ch. Sauvan (Nanophotonics team), we are studying the design of freeform components 'dressed' with metasurfaces to improve the coupling of light between sources and integrated photonic circuits. In collaboration with the French Freeform Optics Research Association (FO-RS), we are also studying the metrology of various freeform surfaces (mirrors, ophthalmic optics, LED-based lighting systems, etc.). Finally, we are studying new ways of manufacturing optical components, whether free-form or not, at the LCF (lenses, mirrors) and also in collaboration with the CEA (Saclay) and SARAN Reosc (SiC mirrors).