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Prospective Group Members

Prospective Group Members

Information for prospective postdocs, graduate students, and undergrads who are interested in joining the Plasmonics and Quantum nanophotonics group.

Postdoctoral Inquiries

The Plasmonics and Quantum Nanophotonics Group welcomes requests from new and existing postdoctoral scholars looking to join our team. Space is often extremely limited, so we ask that applicants send their resumes, cover letters and list of three references (names and contact info) to Jean-Jacques Greffet  ( and Benjamin Vest ( We will contact you if a position opens up and if your profile caught our attention.

PhD Students

Every year, few positions for new PhD students are usually available and are associated to one or two thesis projects, also depending on funding opportunities. Interested graduate students looking to join the Group are expected to have reached good to outstanding academic level during their two years of MSc. Thesis proposals will be listed at the bottom of this page when available. Thesis projects can also start with a 6 months period internship to extend the timeline of the project and to apply for appropriate funding sources prior to the official start of the thesis.

Undergraduate Students

Each summer we offer undergrads the chance to work in our labs, usually on a two months basis. However, our group cannot provide funding for short summer internships. Feel free to contact Benjamin Vest ( for summer opportunities.

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