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Laboratoire Charles Fabry is a joint research laboratory (Unité Mixte de Recherche) established by Institut d Optique – Graduate School and the French national research agency CNRS (Centre national de la Recherche scientifique), with Université Paris-Sud as a cooperating institution. The historical root of research at Institut d’Optique, it covers a broad spectrum of research subjects in both fundamental and applied aspects of the domain. Indeed, at CNRS, it is classified under both Institut de Physique and Institut des Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes.

With a staff of 25 faculty members, 16 on CNRS research faculty positions, and 21 technical and administrative support staff, its total membership is on the order of 130 including the doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. It is organized into eight research groups, which cover well identified research topics and each maintain their own web pages.


LCF's scientific report 2008-2013

LCF's publications 2013-2018

LCF's organization chart

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