Tailoring thermal emission with incandescent metasurfaces
Tailoring thermal emission
Infrared thermal sources...faster than LEDs !
During the last decades, various research groups have managed to design and fabricate devices based on thermal emission providing light with controlled angular distribution, narrow band spectrum, or easily modulable at high frequencies. This is generally done by heating the integrality of the emitting device or by modulating at high speed the emissivity of the active material.
In our team, we adopted a different approach ; the incandescent emitters we chose, are really tiny : they are nano-emitters. When placed on an adequate substrate , they can cool down within tens of nanoseconds, thanks to their small thickness. However, such qmall pieces of matter cannot emit much light when heated. To compensate this rather small intrinsic emission, we design, fabricate and characterize architectures of nanodevices by following the principles of the local formulation of the Kirchhoff's law. In other words, we design structures that maxumize light absorption. This enables us reciprocally to identify structures benefiting from interesting antenna effects, potentially enhancing the total emission by several orders of magnitude.
Anne Nguyen PhD student 2022 Anne defended her thesis on December 1st 2022 and joined the DGA
Dr. Léo Wojszvzyk PhD Student 2019 Léo defended his thesis in 2019 and joined the DGA. His thesis title : "Fast modulation of infrared emission by incandescent metasurfaces" |
Large circular dichroism in the emission from an incandescent metasurface Authors : Anne Nguyen, Jean-Paul Hugonin, Anne-Lise Coutrot, Enrique Garcia-Caurel, Benjamin Vest, and Jean-Jacques Greffet DOI : https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.480292 Optica Vol. 10, Issue 2,pp. 232-238 (2023) |
Efficiency optimization of mid-infrared incandescent sources with time-varying temperature Authors : Anne Nguyen, Jean-Jacques Greffet DOI : https://doi.org/10.1364/OME.443129 Opt. Mat. Express 12, 225 (2022) |
Authors : Léo Wojszvzyk, Anne Nguyen, Anne-Lise Coutrot, Cheng Zhang, Benjamin Vest jean-Jacques Greffet DOI : 10.1038/s41467-021-21752-w Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 1492 (2021) |
Enhancing thermal radiation with nanoantennas to create infrared sources with high modulation rates Authors : Emilie Sakat, Léo Wojszvzyk, Jean-Paul Hugonin, Mondher Besbes, Christophe Sauvan, Jean-Jacques Greffet DOI : 10.1364/OPTICA.5.000175 Optica, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2018, 5 (2), pp.175-179 |
Light Emission by Non-Equilibrium bodies : Local Kirchhoff Law Authors : Jean-Jacques Greffet, Patrick Bouchon, Giovanni Brucoli, François Marquier DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevX.8.021008 Phys. Rev. X, 8 (2) 021008 (2018) |
Light Emission by a Thermalized Ensemble of Emitters Coupled to a Resonant Structure Authors : Léo Wojszvzyk, Hector Monin, Jean-Jacques Greffet DOI : 10.1002/adom.201801697 Adv. Optical Mater. 2019, 1801697 |