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Optical workshop


  • Realise optical components for the research teams of the Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF), the school and the other research laboratory.
  • Take part in the formation and transfer the know how to industriels and other laboratory.

The optical workshop realise unique optical components on the limits of the state of the art in regards of surface and form control. Applications goes from the thermic infrared to X light with a main activity for the deep UV.



Some of the past realisations

  • Mirrors of the EIT telescope for the ESA/NASA SoHO mission.
  • Mirrors of the EUVI telescopes for the NASA STEREO mission.
  • STF spectrometer: resolution 500000, up to 40 nm.
  • The " Lilliputians Giant's Causeway"
  • Big Mac and Mini Mac cells for studying alkali vapors.
  • Mirrors of the HRI-EUV and FSI telescope for the ESA Solar Orbiter mission.
  • 90° (few arcsec by molecular bonding) Diedres for laser deviation


Futurs and actuals realisations

  • Improve roughness of the superpolishing process for a EUV apllication (Normal incidence optics working at 6 nm is the actual goal)
  • All molecular bonding glass cell with focalising lens.
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