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Joint Research Lab

Joint Research Laboratory DEFI "Development Femtosecond Innovation"

Photo laboCom DEFI

Amplitude Laser Group and the LCF Lasers Group have been collaborating for a long time and since 2011 in the framework of the joint research laboratory DEFI.
The ambition is to explore innovative architectures for femtosecond lasers in order to improve their three main characteristics: average power, energy and pulse duration to make lasers more competitive and open new markets. These improvements include the study of new amplifiers based on crystals and / or optical fibers doped with rare earth ions (mainly ytterbium) but also the design of modules complementary to the lasers and to improve one or more characteristics.
Several research projects have been carried out within the framework of the research lab DEFI, from which several current products (Tangerine, Tangor, Compress, Satsuma Niji) have benefited. This research has led to the publication of forty-five scientific articles and the filing of four patents.

PhD students

"Laser source for the study of quantum materials by time-resolved ARPES spectroscopy"
In collaboration with the Laboratoire de Physique du Solide, Team : Ultrafast light-solid phenomena (Orsay)
Office : R2.30 - Email

Gautier PARIZE
"Sources ultrabrèves à faible bruit pour la spectroscopie"
Office : R2.40 - Email

Former PhD students

Quentin BOURNET (PhD defense in june 2023)
"Generation of ultrashort pulses in the mid-infrared " (link to the pdf)

Tiphaine BERBERIAN (PhD defense in March 2021)
"Femtosecond IR fiber lasers for biophotonic applications"

Loïc LAVENU (PhD defense in March 2019)
"High energy ytterbium-doped fiber laser source delivering few optical cycles pulses", PhD award from the  PHOM department PHOM in 2019

Julien POUYSEGUR (PhD defense in May 2016)
"Amplification of femtosecond pulses in amplifiers based on ytterbium doped crystals" (link to the pdf in french), PhD award from the EDOM in 2016.

Florent GUICHARD (PhD defense in February 2016)
"Coherent combining of femtosecond pulses - Optimization of the performance of ultrashort fiber amplifiers"

Sandrine RICAUD (PhD defense in December 2012)
"High average power femtosecond lasers based on ytterbium-doped crystals" (link to the pdf in french), PhD award from the EDOM in 2013.

Permanent members

R&D Engineers Laser Amplitude


Researchers Lasers Group

Marc HANNA, Frédéric DRUON, Patrick GEORGES

A selection of recent articles

"Pulsewidth-switchable ultrafast source at 114 nm" A. Omoumi, M. Natile, E. Papalazarou, Y. Zaouter, T. Auguste, M. Hanna, P. Georges, M. Marsi, Optics Letters, Vol. 48, N° 17, pp. 4625-4628 (2023)

"Inline amplification of mid-infrared intrapulse difference frequency generation" Q. Bournet, F. Guichard, M. Natile, Y. Zaouter, A. Zheng, M. Joffre, A. Bonvalet, M. Jonusas, F. Druon M. Hanna, P. Georges, Optics Letters, Vol. 47, N° 19, pp. 4885-4888 (2022)

"Enhanced intrapulse difference frequency generation in the mid-IR by spectrally-dependent polarization state" Q. Bournet, F. Guichard, M. Natile, Y. Zaouter, M. Joffre, A. Bonvalet, I. Pupeza, C. Hofer, F. Druon M. Hanna, P. Georges, Optics Letters, Vol. 47, N° 12, pp. 261-264 (2022)

"Simple carrier-envelope phase control and stabilization scheme for difference frequency generation-based systems", M. Natile, F. Guichard, Y. Zaouter, M. Hanna, P. Georges, Optics Express, Vol 29, N° 11, pp. 16261-16269 (2021)

"Hybrid pulse propagation model and quasi-phase matched four-wave mixing in multipass cells", M. Hanna, N. Daher, F. Guichard, X. Délen, P. Georges, JOSA B, Vol. 37, Issue 10, pp. 2982-2988 (2020)

"CEP-stable high-energy ytterbium doped fiber amplifier", M. Natile, A. Golinelli, L. Lavenu, F. Guichard, M. Hanna, Y. Zaouter, R. Chiche, X. Chen, J. F. Hergott, W. Boutu, H. Merdji, and P. Georges, Optics Letters, Vol. 44, N° 16, pp. 3909-3912 (2019)

"High power two-cycle ultrafast source based on hybrid nonlinear compression", L. Lavenu, M. Natile, F. Guichard, X. Délen, M. Hanna, Y. Zaouter, and P. Georges, Optics Express Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 1958-1967 (2019)


"Spatio-spectral structures in high harmonic generation driven by tightly focused high repetition rate lasers", A. I. Gonzalez, G. Jargot, Ph. Rigaud, L. Lavenu, F. Guichard, A. Comby, T. Auguste, O. Sublemontier, M. Bougeard, Y. Zaouter, P. Georges, M. Hanna, and T. Ruchon, JOSA B  Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. A6-A14 (2018)


"Nonlinear pulse compression based on a gas-filled multipass cell", L. Lavenu, M. Natile, F. Guichard, Y. Zaouter, X. Delen, M. Hanna, E. Mottay, P. Georges, Optics Letters, Vol. 43, Issue 10, pp. 2252-2255 (2018)


"High-energy few-cycle Yb-doped fiber laser source based on a single nonlinear compression stage", L. Lavenu, M. Natile, F. Guichard, Y. Zaouter, M. Hanna, E. Mottay, P. Georges, Optics Express, Vol 25, N°7, pp 7530-7537 (2017)


"Nonlinear temporal compression in cavities: theory", M. Hanna, X. Délen, L. Lavenu, F. Guichard, Y. Zaouter, F. Druon, P. Georges, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol 34, N° 7, pp 1340-1347 (2017)


"Coherent combination of ultrafast fiber amplifiers", M. Hanna, F. Guichard, D.N. Papadopoulos, Y. Zaouter, F. Druon, P. Georges, Review article: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol 49, N°6 (2016)


"Simple Yb:YAG femtosecond booster amplifier using divided-pulse amplification", J. Pouysegur, B. Weichelt, F. Guichard, Y. Zaouter, C. Hönninger, E. Mottay, F. Druon, P. Georges, Optics Express Vol 24, N° 9, pp 9896-9904 (2016)


"Coherent combining efficiency in strongly saturated divided-pulse amplification systems", F. Guichard, L. Lavenu, M. Hanna, Y. Zaouter, P. Georges, Optics Express, Vol 24, N°22, pp. 25328-25336 (2016)

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