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Our paper on optical index models in photoluminescence problems is now out in Opt. Mater. Express !

  • Recherche
  • Charles Fabry laboratory
  • Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Nanophotonique

Elise Bailly and her co-authors have shown the relevance of the Brendel-Bormann model of optical index models when modelling the light emitted by fluorescent molecules in nanophotonic systems. Congrats Elise !

BenJ Vest


Method to measure the refractive index for photoluminescence modelling

Abstract :

Light emission by fluorophores can be computed from the knowledge of the absorption spectrum. However, at long wavelengths, the calculated emission may diverge if the decay of the imaginary part of the permittivity is not modelled with precision. We report a technique to obtain the permittivity of fluorophores such as dye molecules from fluorescence measurements. We find that the Brendel-Bormann model enables to fit the emission spectra accurately.


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